Huacheng Mining Zambia Limited – HUACHENG/LAATU/05/2020
Huacheng Mining Zambia Limited – HUACHENG/LAATU/05/2020
Client Name: Huacheng Mining Zambia Limited
Project description:
Extension of the 33kV single busbar at Kapiri to accommodate 01 x 33kV Line Bay and 1 x 33kV Capacitor Bank Bay, installation of a 12MVar 33kV Capacitor Bank at Kapiri Substation, laying of 33kV XLPE SC 300mmsq Cable single circuit from Line Bay to Overhead Line take off point, construction of a 15km of 132kV (33kV) Overhead Line on Steel Monopoles from Kapiri Mposhi Substation to Huacheng Manganese Smelting Plant, construction of a 33kV Switching Station at Huacheng and installation of a Harmonics Filter at Huacheng in Kapiri Mposhi.
Huacheng Mining Zambia Limited
Plot No: 35S, P.O. Box 32165, Off T2,
Kapiri Mposhi
Central Province
Date: 2019-2020